
Friday Jan 31, 2020
3MMM Episode 51: Thinking Theologically with Eric Barreto
Friday Jan 31, 2020
Friday Jan 31, 2020
“It’s not just about reading a text, it’s about reading a text in the midst of a community. . . it means listening to what is going on in the world.”
Thinking theologically . . .
Thinking with Imagination
Thinking with Curiosity
Thinking in Community
Rev. Dr. Eric Barreto of Princeton Theological Seminary reminds us of the imaginative work that pastors, activists, and theologians do in this conversation with #3MMM Host Eileen Campbell-Reed.
Subscribe (free!) here ——-> http://3mmm.us/episode51 and receive episodes of 3MMM Year Two with scholars, leaders, and mentors in the practice of ministry.
#NameTheTruths #practiceofministry #imaginationandjustice #justiceneedsimagination #LPIProject #clergylife #seminarylife

Monday Jan 06, 2020
Episode 39: Pulled Up Short
Monday Jan 06, 2020
Monday Jan 06, 2020
#3MMM Episode 39: Pulled Up Short
When it goes well, we learn to practice ministry with improvisation. Even when it does not go well, we can learn from our failures to grow in the practice and expand our repertoire of possible responses, try new modes of recovery, and learn how not to lose our balance entirely.
What has pulled YOU up short lately? How are you recovering and learning from the experience?

Monday Jan 06, 2020
Episode 49: Boundaries
Monday Jan 06, 2020
Monday Jan 06, 2020
#3MMM Episode 49: Boundaries
Boundaries can serve us well in the practice of ministry.
When boundaries give clarity to relationships and prevent the abuse of power, they are worth maintaining.
Boundaries can also become barriers in the work of ministry.
How does this happen?
In this episode of Three Minute Ministry Mentor, see how Pastor Randall leads a congregation to consider the physical boundaries they created with a wrought iron fence around the church house. A boundary that they intended to enhance safety had turned into a barrier with the neighborhood the church was hoping to serve.