
Thursday Nov 09, 2023
Episode 89: Honoring Vocational Grief
Thursday Nov 09, 2023
Thursday Nov 09, 2023
"You're feeling vocational grief." 3MMM Host Eileen Campbell-Reed shares this realization, and what it meant for her. In this episode, an excerpt from our All Saints Day Virtual Service, we invite you to take time to honor your loss and grief.
You may want to gather up a piece of paper and a marker or pen. As you listen, let yourself pay attention to your own spiritual well-being by giving a little space to your vocational losses and grief. The prayer offered by Kali Cawthon-Freels gives voice to the #vocationalgrief many ministers and leaders have shared.
Thank you! You are invited to subscribe to weekly episodes of Three Minute Ministry Mentor : https://3mmm.us/welcome
Download a copy of the #PandemicPastoring Report:
Thank you Stockaudios for the podcast theme music, “Happy Day.”
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Thursday Nov 02, 2023
Episode 88: How Women Thrive In Ministry, Part 2
Thursday Nov 02, 2023
Thursday Nov 02, 2023
How do women thrive in ministry? Eileen Campbell-Reed explores this question by imagining a future where women in ministry are thriving - 5 "future stories" that look like this:
- Women thrive in ministry because churches pay equitably
- Women thrive in ministry because leadership is collaborative.
- Women thrive in ministry when men focus on care for themselves and all people.
- Women thrive in ministry because we are not so angry all the time.
- Women thrive in ministry because child well -being is normative, expected, and funded.
Listen in to this episode that explores how men caring for their well-being and mental health affects flourishing in ministry for women and LGBTQIA+ clergy. Learn more.
Thank you! You are invited to subscribe to weekly episodes of Three Minute Ministry Mentor : https://3mmm.us/welcome
Download a copy of the #PandemicPastoring Report:
Thank you Stockaudios for the podcast theme music, “Happy Day.”
#pastoralimagination #ministryinpractice #clergylife #clergywomen #clergywomenofcolor #blm #youngclergywomen #baptistwomeninministry #BWIM #youngclergywomeninternational #lgbtqclergy #theologypodcast #clergypodcast #womenauthors #WritingTable #FreeWriteFridays #mentalwellness #TheologyThursday #selfcompassionpractices #LGBTQclergy #youthministry #ministrywithchildren #mentalwellnessformen #mentalwellnessforwomen #teenmentalhealth #mentalhealthinthechurch

Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
Episode 87: Baptized and Ordained
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
Episode 87: Baptized and Ordained
Eileen Campbell-Reed tells about how women and queer clergy are changing ministry for good. Baptized and Ordained is a year-long community, advance reading and feedback group, opportunity for live events. Sign up and find out more: https://BaptizedAndOrdained.org
Questions answered in the video:
0:20 A new book & community
1:45 How women and queer clergy are changing ministry
2:38 You are invited to become part of this community
3:13 What does the community include?
4:39 How will it work?
5:05 Why does this book matter?
6:46 Join by October 1
Three levels of the Baptized and Ordained Community:
CLIO level: $5/month
THALIA level: $10/month
POLLY level: $20/month
Learn more and sign up: https://BaptizedAndOrdained.org
BLOG: "How Women Thrive in Ministry"
ARTICLE “No Joke: How A Culture of Disbelief Keeps Clergywomen Pushing Uphill”
BOOK: Pastoral Imagination: Bringing the Practice of Ministry to Life
BOOK: Anatomy of a Schism
REPORT: #PandemicPastoringReport
REPORT: State of Clergywomen in the US https://stateofclergywomen.org
Music: “One Step Further” by Roman Senyk (on Pixabay)
Download a copy of the #PandemicPastoring Report:
Thank you! You are invited to subscribe to weekly episodes of Three Minute Ministry Mentor https://3mmm.us/welcome
Music: “One Step Further” by Roman Senyk (on Pixabay)
#pastoralimagination #baptizedandordained #LGBTQclergy #clergywomen #youngclergywomen #womeninministry

Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
Episode 86: How Women Thrive in Ministry
Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
3MMM | Podcast #86: How Women Thrive in Ministry
Three Minute Ministry Mentor (3MMM) host Eileen Campbell-Reed is answering the question, how do women thrive in ministry? She shares 5 ways to imagine future stories in which women are thriving.
This conversation opens up more about Eileen's latest book: "Baptized and Ordained" (working title). This book will explore how women clergy and queer clergy are changing the practice of ministry for good.
In this episode, Eileen tells more about the ideas around this new book, and invites you to be a part of it!
To learn more about becoming an advanced reader for Eileen's book, visit and find out more information: https://eileencampbellreed.org/baptized-and-ordained
Thank you! You are invited to subscribe to weekly episodes of Three Minute Ministry Mentor https://3mmm.us/welcome
Writing? Join us at #TheWritingTable - find out about membership info and Free Write Fridays.
Download a copy of the #PandemicPastoring Report:
Thank you Stockaudios for the podcast theme music, “Happy Day.”

Wednesday May 31, 2023
Episode 85: How to Start Meditating
Wednesday May 31, 2023
Wednesday May 31, 2023
Have you ever simply run out of words?
3MMM Host Eileen Campbell-Reed tells us about how she did. And how she "learned to pray in God’s language" of silence. Perhaps you would like to give it a try?
How to Start Meditating - a simple, step-by-step guide to a practice of silence and prayer. More: 3MMM Episode 199: Pray, Read, Write
How will you notice the quality of silence in your life? What is your calling in this season?
+ Download a copy of the #PandemicPastoring Report:
+ Thank you! You are invited to subscribe to weekly episodes of Three Minute Ministry Mentor https://3mmm.us/welcome
+ Thank you Stockaudios for the podcast theme music, “Happy Day.”
#howtomeditate #meditationpractices #pastoralimagination #clergylife

Friday May 05, 2023
Episode 84: A Mother’s Day Prayer
Friday May 05, 2023
Friday May 05, 2023
In this episode, we offer a Mother’s Day prayer. Yet, it is not like the ones Eileen Campbell-Reed grew up hearing.
This prayer is more of a psalm and a lament. It lifts up to God the painful and unspeakable facets of mothering and #mothersday. It also honors the gifts and graces of mothering. God in her wisdom sees and hears it all. There is no truth we cannot pray.
+ For the full text of this prayer, go to eileencampbellreed.org
+ Download a copy of the #PandemicPastoring Report:
+ Faith communities have been challenged. Changed. Grieved. And it is time to talk about it. Check out the new Study Guide, here.
Thank you! You are invited to subscribe to weekly episodes of Three Minute Ministry Mentor https://3mmm.us/welcome
Thank you Stockaudios for the podcast theme music, “Happy Day.”
#Mothersdaygrief #HannahService
#MothersDayPrayer #MothersDay2023 #pastoralimagination