
Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
Episode 83: Finding Our Way
Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
Episode 83: Finding Our Way
Has anything changed over the past three years in your ministry? If your answer is yes - check out this new resource.
Our goal in studying and seeking to understand the lives and practices of Christian ministers over the last 20+ years is to make this work more understandable. To support the people called to it. And, after the last three incredibly stressful and unprecedented years, to help renew the practice of ministry.
To that end, Eileen Campbell-Reed wrote a 30-page #PandemicPastoring Report (PPR). It summarizes the research with over a hundred clergy and volunteer leaders in 20+ denominations. This episode invites Erin Robinson Hall talk about the new companion piece to that report: the PPR Study Guide.
Faith communities have been challenged. Changed. Grieved. And it is time to talk about it. Check out the new Study Guide, here.
Download a copy of the #PandemicPastoring Report:
Thank you! You are invited to subscribe to weekly episodes of Three Minute Ministry Mentor https://3mmm.us/welcome
Thank you Stockaudios for the podcast theme music, “Happy Day.”

Wednesday Apr 05, 2023
Episode 82: Talking Through Tragedy
Wednesday Apr 05, 2023
Wednesday Apr 05, 2023
Episode 82: Talking Through Tragedy
How do we talk children through tragedy? What about parents and teachers, especially when the tragedy has impacted children and the places where children go, like schools or churches? And what about caring for congregations as a whole?
Last week in Nashville, we experienced what is reaching epidemic proportions in the form of another school shooting. This episode invites us to think about how we care for our children when they are exposed to or become aware of the tragedies of our world.
Download this handout to help you prepare to talk to our children and teenagers when crisis erupts. We need plans to help us respond with care and work for justice for our congregations and our wider communities.
Download a copy of the #PandemicPastoring Report:
Thank you! You are invited to subscribe to weekly episodes of Three Minute Ministry Mentor https://3mmm.us/welcome
Thank you Stockaudios for the podcast theme music, “Happy Day.”
#griefandchildren #griefcare #pastoralimagination

Thursday Mar 30, 2023
Episode 81: Beauty of Motherhood, Full Conversation
Thursday Mar 30, 2023
Thursday Mar 30, 2023
Episode 81: Beauty of Motherhood
There is beauty in parenting. Not because the work is all glamorous or easy, but because God’s presence and grace is woven through it, even when it is messy and fraught and full of pain and tears and uncertainty.
In this FULL CONVERSATION with Erin Strybis, Kimberly Knowle-Zeller, Erin Robinson Hall and Eileen Campbell-Reed, find out what these mothers claim about rising in the dark, fears about the violence that threatens our children, inequity among families with children, and how we can work towards justice for all children. How can we respond to the ways we measure and doubt ourselves as parents?
Have a listen as they lift up the values of beauty and community, grace and blessing, play and justice, in the shared work and practices of parenting.
Download a copy of the #PandemicPastoring Report:
Thank you! You are invited to subscribe to weekly episodes of Three Minute Ministry Mentor https://3mmm.us/welcome
Thank you Stockaudios for the podcast theme music, “Happy Day.”
#beautyofmotherhood #parentingforward #pastoralimagination

Monday Mar 20, 2023
Episode 80: Parenting as a Practice
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Monday Mar 20, 2023
This week we are talking once again with Kim Knowle-Zeller and Erin Strybis about their new book, The Beauty of Motherhood.
3MMM Host Eileen Campbell-Reed tells us: There is beauty in parenting experiences. Not because the work is all glamorous or easy, but because God’s presence and grace is woven through it, even when it is messy and fraught and full of pain and tears and uncertainty.
Download a copy of the #PandemicPastoring Report:
Thank you! You are invited to subscribe to weekly episodes of Three Minute Ministry Mentor https://3mmm.us/welcome
Thank you Stockaudios for the podcast theme music, “Happy Day.”
#pastoralimagination #beautyofmotherhood

Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
Episode 79: Graceful Parenting
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
Graceful parenting. That’s not a description but rather an aspiration and a need.
Authors Erin Strybis and Kim Knowle-Zeller talk with Erin Robinson Hall and Eileen Campbell-Reed about their new book. The Beauty of Motherhood: Grace-filled Devotions for the Early Years, written especially for progressive Christian parents. We want share the first part of our conversation.
Erin Strybis says when she was a new mom, the devotional books she picked up about parenting often made her feel like she wasn’t living up to some imagined standard of Christian parenthood. She wanted a new kind of book. One that emphasized God’s grace as it wove throughout her parenting, one that helped her notice where God showed up. A book that highlighted beauty in the ordinary.
Have a listen to why this book is for parents whose theology shows them a God of grace and compassion, rather than judgment and punishment.
March Givewaway! We are giving away a copy of The Beauty of Motherhood in March. One person from our 3MMM email list will receive a free book. You are invited to subscribe to weekly episodes of Three Minute Ministry Mentor https://3mmm.us/welcome
Download a copy of the #PandemicPastoring Report:
Thank you Stockaudios for the podcast theme music, “Happy Day.”
#pastoralimagination #ministryinpractice #clergylife #clergywomen #clergywomenofcolor #blm #youngclergywomen #youngclergywomeninternational #lgbtqclergy #theologypodcast #clergypodcast #womenauthors #WritingTable #FreeWriteFridays #selfcompassion #parentingforward #raisingchildrenunfundamentalist #TheologyThursday #selfcompassionpractices #youthministrylife #youthministry #ministrywithchildren #kidmin #clergymama #beautyofmotherhood #parentingjourneys #adoptionjourneys #mentalwellnessforwomen

Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
Episode 78: Mental Wellbeing
Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
We are talking about the mental wellbeing of our children and teens.
These years of forming identity, re-modeling the brain, and flying further from the nest are already a big challenge. Add three calendar years of isolation, disrupted schedules and rites of passage, missed friendships and opportunities. Then stir in what Dr. Joyce Ann Mercer calls the “triple pandemic of Covid-19, racial reckoning, and climate crisis.” The result is a toxic stew of anxiety, depression, lethargy, behavioral outbursts, health issues, self harm, and the highest rates of contemplating suicide among teens in many years.
How do we help our children with mental wellbeing?
Have a listen to Dr. Joyce Ann Mercer of Yale Divinity School. In this final segment of our conversation, she and Eileen Campbell-Reed explore the question:
How do we need to be paying attention to our children and youth who are suffering in their mental wellbeing in the wake of the multiple pandemics. More on Mental Wellbeing, here.
Download a copy of the #PandemicPastoring Report:
Thank you! You are invited to subscribe to weekly episodes of Three Minute Ministry Mentor https://3mmm.us/welcome
Thank you Stockaudios for the podcast theme music, “Happy Day.”
#pastoralimagination #ministryinpractice #clergylife #clergywomen #clergywomenofcolor #blm #youngclergywomen #youngclergywomeninternational #lgbtqclergy #theologypodcast #clergypodcast #womenauthors #WritingTable #FreeWriteFridays #selfcompassion #mentalwellness #TheologyThursday #selfcompassionpractices #youthministrylife #youthministry #ministrywithchildren #kidmin #childrenmentalhealth #mentalwellnessforwomen #teenmentalhealth #mentalhealthinthechurch