
Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
3MMM | Episode 65: Permission to Laugh
Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
This week Erin Robinson Hall shares from her experience, giving us all permission to laugh.

Wednesday Jan 19, 2022
3MMM | Episode 64 - Podcasts and Permission
Wednesday Jan 19, 2022
Wednesday Jan 19, 2022
Join our conversation with Elizabeth-Anne Nordgren Lovell, a recent seminary graduate, college professor, and lover of podcasts.
In this episode we talk all things podcasts, pandemic, and permission slips. In our conversation I ask Elizabeth-Anne how the pandemic has impacted her life and her ministry. Spoiler alert: she made use of podcasts!
Enjoy my conversation with Elizabeth-Anne as she shares both about podcasts as entertainment, but also as tools for self-care and ministry.
Do you listen to podcasts regularly? Where? When? Do you have a favorite? We would love your feedback!!
Take our quick survey here.
#3MMM #pandemicpermission #pandemicministry #podcasts #podcasting #clergywomenpodcast #theologypodcast #pastoralimagination #selfcare #practiceofministry

Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
Episode 63: Advent Part 2
Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
In Part 2 of this Advent series, Eileen Campbell-Reed shares more Advent stories, prayers, and poetry. With each one, a wish for some of the hope, peace, joy, and love that marks our circle through the Advent season.
May you find health, safety, and space for your grief. Because this year, and this last 21 months, has been heavy with loss. We all have lots to grieve, and there are so many residual and ripple effects. The story of Jesus’ birth and life was also marked deeply by grief. So we are in compassionate company.
#writingforyourlife #runningforyourlife #spiritualwriting #Adventreflections #Advent2021 #clergylife
Find more from Three Minute Ministry Mentor in our weekly email - reflections and resources for your #pastoralimagination! Subscribe: 3mmm.us/signup

Friday Dec 17, 2021
3MMM | Episode 62: Advent Part 1
Friday Dec 17, 2021
Friday Dec 17, 2021
This Advent, Eileen Campbell-Reed shares some Advent stories, prayers, and poetry. With each one, a wish for some of the hope, peace, joy, and love that marks our circle through the Advent season.
May you find health, safety, and space for your grief. Because this year, and this last 21 months, has been heavy with loss. We all have lots to grieve, and there are so many residual and ripple effects. The story of Jesus’ birth and life was also marked deeply by grief. So we are in compassionate company.
More from Three Minute Ministry Mentor in our weekly email - reflections and resources for your #pastoralimagination! Subscribe: 3mmm.us/signup
#adventgrief #blueChristmas #deeppeace #clergylife #awkwardbraveandkind #longestnightservice #adventreflections

Monday Sep 27, 2021
3MMM Episode 61: No-Win Situations
Monday Sep 27, 2021
Monday Sep 27, 2021
Challenge. Question. Conflict. Change.
How do you practice ministry in a no-win situation?
Eileen Campbell-Reed has noted some themes - financial, staffing and volunteer challenges. Vocational uncertainty and the need for fresh discernment. Conflicts. Hope and resilience. Big transition.
And there are no easy answers. There is, however, a deep well of wisdom and support to draw upon. Have a listen to this conversation with four mentors who work with new pastors in the Helping Pastors Thrive initiative. They talk about ways pastors are facing what looks like no-win situations right now - theological conundrums and pandemic pastoring.
#pastoralimagination #pandemicpastoring #nowinsituations #churchinapandemic #helpingpastorsthrive #theologicaleducation #clergywomen #clergylife

Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
Episode 60: Helping Pastors Thrive
Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
Collaboration. Listening. Getting around life’s brick walls. Understanding identity. Adapting to new places and situations. Each of these moments are part of the everyday work of ministry.
Recently, Eileen Campbell-Reed sat down with three new pastors to talk about pastoral imagination. It was a wonderful conversation about learnings and how the Pastoral Imagination book and journal can support and inspire the work of ministry.
In addition to being new pastors, Elizabeth Nance-Coker, Carrie Jarrell Tuning and Michael Ramsey are also participants in the Helping Pastors Thrive Initiative. The initiative is funded by the Lilly Endowment and sponsored by the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of North Carolina.
#HelpingPastorsThrive #pastoralimagination #theologypodcast #newpastors #clergylife #clergywomen #clergyhealth